Sunday 27 October 2013

Task 13 - 18

Task 13 - Topic Development

First Artist Model: Keith Carter
In Keith Carters work his use of the vignette frame creates a mood which inspired me to use the vignette to create a sense of entrapment - the vignette creates the frame of binoculars which creates a feeling of being watched. 

 Keith Carters images

My images inspired from Keith Carters work

Contact Sheet:

Second Artist Model: Kara Walker
From Kara Walkers work her use of silhouettes of people with no detail and her use of layering inspired me to use these conventions from her work. The idea of layering helped me create a sense of trapped as many layers can create the feeling of no escape for the birds. Silhouettes with no detail helped me show the motivations of the birds are unclear and are left open.

Kara Walkers images

My images inspired by Kara Walker

Contact sheet:

Pinterest - Inspiration from Pinterest
image searches and sourced from Pinterest

Subject Matter
-flying -wings -feathers -cages -bird silhouettes -feather boa -trapped birds in cages -birds gaze -bird on wire -crows -birds eye view -Disney crows -beak -freedom -revenge -KFC -branches

Mind is a cage that stops you from being free

-feeling trapped in your own mind can be represented by a cage
-caged birds metaphor for loss of freedom
-silhouettes of birds, cannot see detail, facial expression so you don't know what they are thinking, a symbol of emotions'
-tree symbol of interweb of thinking "trapped minds" (only seen by product of thoughts)
-trapped minds - brain neuron transmitters look like branches of a tree connections through thought process.

Task 14 - Developing ideas

Contact Sheet:

Influenced by Keith Carter:

Task 14

Proof Sheet:

Influenced by Kara Walker

Contact Sheet:

Task 15

Contact Sheet:

Final Images:

Task 17

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Task 10 - Influenced by Keith Carter

Keith Carter - "Habitat 2011"

My Photograph inspired by Keith Carters work "Habitat 2011"

My Photograph inspired by Keith Carters work "Habitat 2011"

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Task 9 - Influenced by Riitta Päiväläinen

Ritta Paivalanen, "Northern Wind"

My photograph inspired by Riitta Paivalainens work "Northern Wind"
Ritta Paivalanen, "Winds Nest"

My photograph, inspired by Ritta Paivalanen, "Winds Nest"

Task 9- Riitta Päiväläinen Contact Sheet

Sunday 9 June 2013

Task 6 - Developing your subject matter into a Concept

Subject Matter: Birds

Birds getting their revenge on people...

Concept Sentence: 

"Revenge is a cage that stops you from moving on/being free"

Key ideas:
-the birds mood, claustrophobic
-birds/people feel trapped by revenge
-call it revenge or self defence but it looks to be more like a war, bird attack
-Feathers, feather boas 
-Cages/birds feel trapped in cages
-wire, chicken wire, telephone wire


-"The Birds" movie by Alfred Hitchcock

-Cruella Deville from the 101 dalmatians movie as she's there as a character seeking revenge- similar to ideas from my concepts.

-Disney crows- give ideas of crows, flock, the crows are brothers and work together

Symbols from concept:

Revenge: birds gaze, birds eye view, feather boa, represent because they are dark, black moody feeling, colours of orange and red show evilness/anger

Cage: wire, chicken wire, telephone wire, represents feeling trapped

Being Free: Colours of blue, blue as representing the sky and birds flying through the sky they are free